In the interest of clarity, it should be noted that I select the stories for the shows based on what is making headlines. I choose news based on how much I believe those stories will affect the affiliate community. The stories are submitted to GPWA and the show is produced. Finished shows are submitted for editorial review and then published.
Personally, I do not hang out in the forums all that much. There are several reasons for this, including my other work obligations. But a large contributing factor is that I do not want to get drawn in to some of the time consuming discussions which can become personal, political and insulting. Of course, I am not always successful at avoiding conflicts... even when I recognize the futility of them.
I say all of this so that you understand that I may or may not be aware of the dynamics of each forum discussion. I mostly read what is posted in response to the news stories I glean from the headlines so that I can address what webmasters are asking and thinking. This does not mean I am not aware or do not care... it is simply a personal decision I made years ago to preserve my sanity and my time.
To surmise, it will be a rare occasion when I comment on something like the thread you mentioned. It is not a mainstream news story, and I have to decide what belongs in a mainstream video that is not only published in this forum, but sent to thousands in a newsletter, carried on hundreds of portals, and accessible on YouTube to anyone.
Do not take my professional position to reflect my personal feelings, as I am sure you understand that I must strike a balance between aggressively defending affiliates, maintaining good relationships with sponsors, representing Casino City, and somehow still make the shows entertaining. Like all of you, I have a family depending on me and personal obligations that weigh on me as well.
That said, come find me in London. Buy me a drink or two, and we can discuss things off camera... person to person.