Thank you for your input during my first review, I have used some of the suggestions and made a few chnges, would appreciate further feedback
appreciate your
Thank you for your input during my first review, I have used some of the suggestions and made a few chnges, would appreciate further feedback
appreciate your
oh, man!
a lot of ads on the homepage.
horizontal navigation bar is not watchable.
I would recommend to redo that with emphasis on text, but not on blinking ads.
redogonit (10 November 2010)
To be honest, I would start over.
The site is a visual mess.
The buttons and banners make my eyes bleed.
The template could be wider since most computer monitors are wide screen now. A wider template means more content above the fold!
There's no theme to the site. What's it about?
No content. No calls to action.
Look at other (successful) portals. See what they're doing. Don't copy them but take your cues from them. Don't try to re-invent the wheel.
Choose a niche or theme for your site then write content based on the keywords of that theme.
Insert calls to action at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of each page.
Sorry for the harsh critique but the direction you're going is a waste of your time. At this point I think it's easier to start over than to rebuild.
Don't give up!!
Terry - The Pokerkeep
President / CEO - Gambling Affiliates Union
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Email: admin @
redogonit (10 November 2010)
I uploaded the wrong pages, must have been half asleep
I think on the home page it would be better with a horizontal navigation bar running underneath the logo rather than a drop down menu and a vertical one, which at the moment seems to be a little out of place, either that of having your navigation at the left hand side.
I'd also suggest keeping it simple to start with, all the images and buttons appear confusing at first
Some nice content as well, perhaps tell your users a little about your site and what they will be finding there.
Just my two cents..
Head of Client Services | TAG Media
Lol @ "The buttons and banners make my eyes bleed" answer.
Yeah, the site does not look user friendly on the eyes, you could be at the top of the search engines and I would click back to another site if I landed on your site.
Design is a big deal when getting users to use your site.
I like the header until the translate flags im not sure about the restI would rather make something simple than something of bad taste.
Your site is close to a banner farm and has no real content on the index.. Try putting your banners and deals on a sidebar or something, they will have the same visibility.. Just and opinion, good luck!
Please check your translate flags, it has a mistake, and you need fix it