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    Dennis Keegan's Avatar
    Dennis Keegan is offline Sponsor Affiliate Program
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    Default Wanna increase conversions? It's as easy as the click of a button....

    Probably the question I get asked the most is “How can I increase conversions?"
    There are obviously many factors that can go into answering these questions
    but at the end of the day it's all about the making the visitors click that button.
    So why are we having so much trouble getting our traffic to just C-L-I-C-K??

    Well, you know what we do? We’re exhausting them with endless text
    and finally at the end we don’t even bother to put a call-for-action button
    saying... don’t go backward please move forward... many times we’re
    asking them to click on the wrong thing or not asking them to click at all...

    Your traffic sums up your site in the equivalent to the blink of an eye.
    You have within that blink to get their attention and to get them to ACT.
    What is the best way to do this? A simply button that tells them to click ME!
    Absolutely you're not telling them to “Click” or “Download” or “Play”
    you're just grabbing their attention, before that eyelid snaps shut and
    they're off to another page.

    From my experience most of the people had developed Banner Blindness
    so… putting a blinking banner on your site won’t do the job.
    You need smarter and more effective strategy. The most effective way (in
    my opinion) is a short Personal Review + Banner + Logo + Screen shot +
    a big animated ‘call-for-action’ push button – PLAY NOW! Or DOWNLOAD NOW!
    Some affiliates prefer something similar to a call-for-action button. Text link,
    a bold color, like red perhaps. This is really a matter of personal preference
    and what type of existing design you have for your site.

    And of course always test the link. If the link is
    we all understand that won’t big good for business...
    and that it won’t be good for business...

    SO... “How can I increase conversions?" you implement.

    To become a successful affiliate you have to do more than put
    a link or banner on your web site. You need smarter ‘Mega Affiliate’ strategies –
    that's why I’m also a big fan of using newsletters as a promotion tool.

    BTW; come drink coffee with me at GaminGang private room in LAC.

    Last edited by Dennis Keegan; 14 January 2010 at 4:57 pm.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Dennis Keegan For This Useful Post:

    FictionNet (22 January 2010)

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