Yeah, I think as well 1 site keeps ya busy and if you work hard you should also get good results![]()
1 site (poject)
sevral sites (projects)
Yeah, I think as well 1 site keeps ya busy and if you work hard you should also get good results![]()
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Moonlight Cat (8 March 2016)
Votes are close to a balanced result.
A rare sight on a poll.
Moonlight Cat (8 March 2016)
Good post, for me you have to have several sites under different niche.
Having few main sites helps as well as you can focus more on the projects when you have less projects.
Moonlight Cat (14 March 2016)
Moonlight Cat (23 March 2016)
This question is a double edged sword as I've been on both sides of the fence and had success/failure with both.
If you're a one man gang, you need to have just one website and work from sun up until sun down adding everything to your site that you possibly can. My advice to newbs looking to make it in this biz is to go around and visit HUNDREDS of sites. Write down things that you see that you think are good/cool. Once you've done that, take that list and create your own site using all of these attractive ideas.
Another way to approach the multiple sites issue is to go in with partners. Use your expertise to create the site and handle the optimization/advertising while your partner is a content producing machine. It's TOUGH to find somebody dedicated enough to pull this off though. And even if you do, it's possible that they may need to work for 2 years without making any cash, which is almost impossible for most. After that, loot will start coming in and they will be handsomely rewarded. It's all just a matter of if you can find somebody stable that you can trust and that has the tolerance to work on something for 2 years without drawing a paycheck.
Nobody really wants to work for 24 months without pay. Many will consider it though if you tell them they make zilch now and more than they've ever made before after 2 years. Many will take the chance of prospering. Hell, it's the American dream! (And every other country of course)
I myself (I'm nuts) would run more than one website at a time regardless of the work necessary. If you have only one site and lose your search engine rankings you can from riches to rags. This is a very brutal experience. I like to have something to fall back on. This doesn't come without sacrafice though... You wake up before everybody else does to go to work. You're still working when everybody else is at home getting ready for dinner. You may still be working after everybody goes to bed and is asleep. This isnt' for everybody. Your health may suffer as well. I've put on AT LEAST 100 lbs since I started doing this and probably more. On the flip side, I've also rented oceanfront houses in Maui and owned houses/vehicles that never in a million years would I have dreamed of doing/having.
There's a tradeoff for everything you do in life. Try to have balance. Things can come unraveled very quickly if you let your relationships/health go down hill.
I probably have answered anybody's questions but hopefully have shed some light on the pros/cons of having one/multiple sites.
The ideal way would be to take on partners. Just make sure that you own the url and control the finances. i didnt on my first go around and woke up to an empty bank account and getting shut out of a very successful site. Dont let that happen to you!
I only get to this forum a few times a month, so if anybody has any ?'s, I'm reachable at
Take care Y'all.
Moonlight Cat (23 March 2016)
I work on one big site with a partner and looking back I would chose several niched sites if I was to do everything all over. Managing one big site allows you to add a lot of different content and build a strong brand, however it takes TIME and a lot of it. Im looking into expanding with some smaller rare keyword focused sites when the "Static" content is done on, when we're at the stage that all there is to do is Partnerships+articles.
I run the site Bettingviking, we offer Arbitrage betting, sports betting, guides, bonuses, predictions and previews - ** Partner-ups and guest previewing is always of interest, just pm me if you think that we can help eachother out!
Absolutely one site. It's not because I see this as the best strategy.
Simply, I'm involved with other projects in my life, outside of gambling world.![]()
Moonlight Cat (12 April 2016)
To spread the risk is better in many ways. Every site is one option for google to wanna rank. U can enhance this chance but sometimes google just ranks sites that we do not get why. But in this way from my experience it's better to spread the chances of getting a site to rank with several ones. For swedish market atleast sites doessnt need to be that big to rank anyway.
Triple7 (12 May 2016)
I now run 4 sites by myself and 1 on a joint venture basis. Although it is a lot of hard work to keep up every site up to date, I would not want it any other way. Each of my sites is creating income and growing, some more than others but that is to be expected. I do like to spread my income streams (and as a result, the risk) and find that this is a great way of doing it.
Poll almost 50/50 then we can refresh the post to see what it looks like in 2024
I have always had trouble with this. Too many projects in effect killed all the effects. And by too much I mean above 1. If we don't have a big budget, don't have more people working on it then in today's world already one site is a never ending story if it is to be good.
Today it blocks in itself the desire to open new pages of ideas. Every once in a while I'll come up with a “great” idea and buy a domain, but a day later I wake up and know to let it go, because it can only hurt and not help such fragmentation into more sites. Even though I've lost many years because of this approach, I guess I enjoy looking for a new domain and thinking about a new project for that one day every couple of months. Fortunately, I only end up buying a domain for €12.
So something different for everyone, but I think most people would have far better results if they focused on one site. If the niches aren't too far apart (you know it's hard to make a section about horse racing on a site with a domain such as bestbonus. bingo), you can always create a new section in your site that already has power from links and reputation instead of creating a new mini site.
I saw a similar post, even older from 2010 (as I recall) and one user wrote that he prefers a single site. I checked his signature page, the brand name told me something so I checked in Semrush and it turned out that the traffic was huge numbering in the hundreds of thousands. On the other hand, pages from the signatures of people who ran 2-3 pages often no longer worked at all or were used to sell links and had 0 traffic. Of course, this is just a story, not necessarily a rule, each case is different, but I thought I would mention it.
My opinion, is "Don't Put All your Eggs in One Basket".
Because, if you count on Google SEO for example, and something bad happens with rankings for one website, at least you can count on the other websites that you have.