I have been waiting on payment from bingovega for april, may, june, and july. Chan keeps telling me that there accountant still (after 4 months) has not setup a wire transfer account. So, my money still sits and sits and sits at his site.
Has anyone gotten payment from him through wire transfer???
He states that he can pay through ewallet, but i don't want to be paid that way. I know in the past that i got wire transfer, and he says since the new update his accountants still haven't gotten to setting up that method. We'll, how hard could it be, and my thinking is that his accountants should be fired!
I have moved there site way down my list and almost tempted to take them off.
I still send them significant depoistors each and every month and am one of there top affiliates. I don't appreciate being treated this way, and want my thousands of dollars they owe me.
Anyone have thoughts?