Is CAC dead?
No more conference in Amsterdam?
Is CAC dead?
No more conference in Amsterdam?
I think its been moved to Dublin. I wish there was on in Amsterdam. I guess Alex will come and answer this one.
I misses the old ones but would really go to the next ones if they were in Amsterdam for sure. My partner lives there - FREE HOTEL!!!!![]()
socialcharlotte (13 January 2011)
I think it's the igaming super show that will be in Dublin in May.
I really hope Cac is still on, this year was an adventure with the ash cloud!![]()
Head of Client Services | TAG Media
Hey There,
CAC isn't me - We had an event in Amsterdam in 2009 but moved it to Prague this year as the renamed Super Show which is now moving to Dublin at the end of May.
Re CAC - I am unsure what was happening but I am sure someone said Marc was intending on doing it again but then others said not so I have no idea - Maybe contact him here and ask
iGB Affiliate - The biggest magazine and events for affiliates in igaming
GFPC (21 October 2010)
Lesnic mentioned possibly doing another in Amsterdam - if there was an interest.
I thought only 25 people attened last year?
I am actually really thinking about making it to the conference this year. It's not so much the show itself, because honestly it's pretty weak (really white hat vs black hat again?). However, the tradition and people of the conference for me sets the tone for Q2 each year. Maybe GPWA can throw together some more master panel type discussions and add some value to the show. If so, I'll definitely be there.
Greg D Powell
US Bingo Players Wanted
maybe gpwa should take it over
More than 25 people attended, a fair bit more, but nowhere near what have attended other conferences, there were to my count just 11 booths and within 2 hours one had exhausted the conference, that was the failure.
It was clear to see why the conference failed and some simple changes would ensure its success.
Amsterdam is the perfect location, it puts Prague, Dublin and insanely expensive London in the shadow and not just because the Netherlands is the only place on earth without its head stuck up its arse when it comes to dope
Amsterdam from a logistically point of view is perfect, the centre is laid out in such a manner that wherever one is they are still within walking distance of the conference.
That cannot be said of London.
It is easy to understand why London is chosen, it however is far from being affiliate friendly when it comes to cost and neither is January the best month to hold the conference, it could be argued that January is in fact the very worst month of the year to hold a conference in London.
The London conference is fun for sure but it should be dropped permanently if affiliate interests are taken in to consideration.
Unless of course the aim is to only encourage a certain type of affiliate to be able to attend and if that is the case then more than half of the sessions/speakers are basically wasting their time.
If the aim is not to target the elite affiliates but be a place that welcomes all levels of affiliates, then choosing London remains a mistake and will continue to be so even if all that attend have a great time.
Arthritis Care
To find true bravery and courage all one need do is look in to the eyes of a sick child - A humble parent
How is January the worst month of the year in London for the conference and how is this not good for affiliates? I think London is easier and cheaper to get to for most people and it is also not the high season either.
Grem it is a combination of things to be honest, allow me to explain, although it is just my own opinion and i am sure some will disagree with me.
First off i would suggest that most of us here are family members with Children and partners and the choice of January so soon after Christmas, traditionally a very expensive month for parents places an unneccasary extra financial burden on affiliates.
Secondly having lived in London for over 30 years i can assure you that January's in London are cold, bitter and grey months, darkness descends by 16.00 and if Europe has to be the continent chosen at this time of the year then there were far better alternatives, Madrid and Rome spring to mind as two European hubs.
So a combination of weather and cost point to London as an unsuitable event in January.
Grem you say it is cheaper, i would suggest you canvas some of the affiliates that are not in the higher earning bracket and ask them, hotels are far more expensive in London, a taxi costs £50 from Heathrow to a central London hotel and takes over 1 hour, this i know from bitter experience, far more expensive than elsewhere in Europe outside the Nordic countries.
Restaurants are far more expensive, again Nordic countries exempted, VAT is now 20%, public transport costs in London are far more expensive, there is the congestion charge, in fact i am stretched to think of anything that is cheaper in London than anywhere else in Europe.
The one and the only one area that may be cheaper is Air transportation costs, however that would afflict just those outside of Europe, for most European based affiliates it is cheaper to stay on the main land and i am not convinced that it is any cheaper to fly to London as opposed to Rome or Madrid from say New York, Cape Town or Sydney.
Finally, and up front i admit this is a very personal opinion, London is a dog hole.
I am entitled to say that as i lived in London for over 30 years, i did my time and gained parole and will not apologise for telling people until the day i die what London is truly like.
It is dirty filthy crime sodden place without soul, the only good thing one can say about London is that it has three major airports near it that can get you the hell out of there in double quick time, it has no soul, it is a muggers paradise, a top terrorist target, a place so mired in its own rotting arrogance and self importance that one has to wear a gas mask to keep the stench of its stink from permeating your every fibre.
I hate London, i hate what it stands for, i hate everything about it and the only reason that London ever gets my attention is when i am forced against every intelligent cell in my body to have to set foot in that rotten corpse of what was once a great city.
Ok a rant and up front i apologise, but i was asked and that is my personal opinion.
So in conclusion, London is very expensive and by rather a long way compared to other cities in Europe, it is damp, cold and miserable, it is not a safe city, logistically it is a nightmare and from a bohemian and social point of view i would rather be in Rome, Madrid, or any southern European capital than London, i know my safety, warmth and pockets agree with me 100%.
Arthritis Care
To find true bravery and courage all one need do is look in to the eyes of a sick child - A humble parent
FictionNet (22 January 2012), GaryTheScubaGuy (7 February 2011)
I've lived in Leeds for 4 years and have HAD to go to London dozens of times - being from the US originally, after you see Big Ben. Westminster, the Palace and Hyde Park, it is a real stinkhole of a place. One of the worst I've ever been to and I travel extensively.It is dirty filthy crime sodden place without soul, the only good thing one can say about London is that it has three major airports near it that can get you the hell out of there in double quick time, it has no soul, it is a muggers paradise, a top terrorist target, a place so mired in its own rotting arrogance and self importance that one has to wear a gas mask to keep the stench of its stink from permeating your every fibre.
I hate London, i hate what it stands for, i hate everything about it and the only reason that London ever gets my attention is when i am forced against every intelligent cell in my body to have to set foot in that rotten corpse of what was once a great city.
You forgot to mention to drive a car you have to pay a daily congestion fee that amounts to $20 per day, or you can ride the tube and get pick-pocketed or become a human sardine in a sweat infested, overcrowded RUDE TUBE full of assholes and degenerates.
London is over-rated, over-priced and under policed.
Any more info on CAC Amsterdam 2011??
Any cac 2012 in Amsterdam??
It is safe to say CAC is not happening again.
Betpartners I am a family man as well and I don't see the timing being a problem as it spaces out the entire year. Besides this is the largest event and it isn't any more expensive for affiliates than it would be elsewhere.
You don't have to take a taxi to your hotel as the train and tube are most of the time faster. If the weather was nicer than people would want to work less. As for a financial burden things do cost money but it should be seen as an investment of your time so you can make more money.
Marc has all CAC domains until the year 2049, so there are still plenty of options to see the event going again.
Imo, it has always been a great conference.