This year, immediately following the International Casino Exhibition (ICE) show in London, the third CAP Euro conference (and the second CAP Euro conference in London) is being held. It begins with a party Thursday Evening, January 24th, and continues with conference sessions, exhibitors, more parties, and the CAP Awards and the third ASOP Poker tournament over the following three days.
Now, on these forums you hear all about the parties - there are lots of them and they are great fun. But there really are serious reasons to attend the conference in addition to the networking at parties. Old timers will tell you about the value of meeting face-to-face with affiliate managers. And there are a variety of very interesting sessions planned such as a talk on social networking by an expert in the field. You can see the complete schedule online at
Personally, I'm looking forward to the conference, and I encourage every GPWA member to attend. The conference is free for all GPWA portal webmasters who register in advance at The GPWA will also have a stand at the conference, so be sure to stop by and say hello.
If your'e planning to attend the conference, let other GPWA members know by posting in the conference thread at
I look forward to a very successful conference, and to seeing many of you there.