A will is not something that i have participated in, although at my age i suppose i should have done by now.
I am not really looking for the answer of whether or not you have written a will, however, i am more interested in whether or not you have put in place a trigger to inform your online freinds and colleagues of your demise.
For instance if i was to drop dead now, i would probably just be on the missing list here and a few other places and then eventually forgotten.
Why, because i have no land based friends in the industry and i am sure none of my family would ever think of posting here. Therefore you would not know that i was a gonner, had bitten the dust or whatever way you wish to describe it.
I have no intention of popping of just yet, however, one never knows whats on the big fellas agenda.
As i want a big send of and would like to be remembered i am now going to write a will and insist that posts are made on certain forums, here being the first to inform of my demise.
I also want my coffin draped in a union Jack as i am entitled to it for my service and will of course mention that in my will. Another thing i will mention is that one hymn must be "The lords My Shepherd" as i always enjoy singing that when at West Brom games.
Feel free to post your thoughts and what you would be asking for in your will if its not too private.