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  1. #1
    thepokerkeep's Avatar
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    Default Warning re; Dynamic Gaming Systems

    I have heard through the grapevine that DGS (Dynamic Gaming Systems) is in serious trouble and may close down within the next few days.

    You may want to do some digging and possibly warn your players to get their money out of any of the following sites.

    The brands affected include the following....

    Jungle Poker
    RiverFlop Poker
    Bubba's Poker
    G2G Poker
    KingFish Poker
    Panther Poker
    Butcher Poker
    Wingows Poker
    10 Large Poker
    OPT Room
    Live For The Flop
    Zero2Hero Poker
    Q Poker
    Full Bet
    Terry - The Pokerkeep
    President / CEO - Gambling Affiliates Union

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    Email: admin @

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to thepokerkeep For This Useful Post:

    robertmedl (21 December 2007)

  3. #2
    thepokerkeep's Avatar
    thepokerkeep is offline Private Member
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    This email was sent to affiliates from CanAffCo regarding the DGS problems...
    It may well be time to post warnings on your sites so your players can get their money out!

    Dear Affiliate:

    We want to recommend that to all affiliates that you remove any banner you currently have in place with BigJuicyOdds, Lucky Hog Poker, and Wingows Poker as we are concerned about the stability of the DGS network. We want to protect you, our affiliates to the best of our ability.

    We at CanAffco are uncomfortable with the level of communication and support from the DGS network. This is not a reflection on the individual sites at all, which in our opinion are good people. Our concern is with the network itself, and because of this we are recommending that our affiliates stop actively promoting sites on the DGS network until we advise otherwise.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your continued support of CanAffco.

    Very truly yours,

    Tara M. Wilson

    Affiliate Manager
    Canadian Affiliate Management Company
    Terry - The Pokerkeep
    President / CEO - Gambling Affiliates Union

    Casino Affiliate Programs
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    Gambling Affiliate Program Blacklist

    Email: admin @

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