I'm very pleased to announce that SEO Expert Gary Beal will be participating in the GPWA forums. His name in the forums is GaryTheScubaGuy.
Gary is a well-known and respected SEO expert in the online gaming industry. He spoke at the GPWA conference at EiG on September, the GPWA conference at the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas at the end of November and also at the GPWA conference in London at the beginning of November. And this year Gary spoke at the CAP Euro conference in London and the AiG conference in Macau.
Most recently, at the Casino Affiliate Convention in Amsterdam last week, Gary ran a well attended marathon session on SEO lasting three hours. Gary has also, until recently, been an active contributor at CAP on SEO topics.
As part of an increased focus here on SEO, we have also made some changes to the organization of our forums. Previously we only had a private forum for SEO discussions in the private GPWA University section. We have now created a public forum for SEO topics: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and have moved the private SEO discussion forum to be a subforum within the open SEO forum area.
Please welcome Gary to the GPWA forums!