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  1. #1
    pgaming's Avatar
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    Question Player Database Sales

    I won't be responding, found on

    Thanks Joeyl for being human!!

    Last edited by pgaming; 7 March 2007 at 12:11 pm.

  2. #2
    Fergie's Avatar
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    Thanks, Joeyl, for having the guts to stand up and say the right things.

  3. #3
    pgaming's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I would second that thought Fergie. Joeyl a person with clear conviction and integrity to stand in the face of adversity. This may not line your pockets but will enlighten your life. Wealth comes in many forms and does not discriminate between rich or poor.

    Last edited by pgaming; 9 March 2007 at 10:28 am.

  4. #4
    MichaelCorfman's Avatar
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    I'm not completely sure of the objective here. There are allegations that there was some inappropriate actions on the part of someone involved in CAP. But they are from a couple years ago.

    To be honest, I have no personal knowledge that enables me to have an opinion here. But even if I did, I'm not sure what purpose it would serve to bring it up at this point in time. What is important is to work together in a cooperative fashion today. The past can't be changed, and I don't think it makes sense to drag it into the present unless there is some relevance to what is going on today.

    I don't believe in censoring the forums (I think open discussion is really important), but I would request that whatever discussion continues here be tied more strongly to some desired outcome today rather than just being a rant about the past.

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  5. #5
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    Thumbs up

    I believe the objective is quite clear as pointed out for the sites listed. The deadline of having a “desired outcome today” is just not possible. The act of selling personal databases is a serious issue as relevant today as yesterday.

    I fail to see the “rant” side of things here. But I guess this could be how each of us perceives things.

    I will leave the issue alone.

    P.S Watch what happens to me over the next couple of months or years.

    Last edited by pgaming; 9 March 2007 at 12:36 pm. Reason: adding to post

  6. #6
    joeyl's Avatar
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    I agree Michael.

    There is no spam being sent by any gaming affiliates these days.

    I don't see the point in highlighting past or present attempts to sell on databases bought from casinos either.

    Unless of course, the names sold on deny any afiliate in the gpwa future revenue somehow. Let's hope no punters you send onto a casino have their details sold on for 2 bob, lock and stock.

  7. #7
    Caruso is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelCorfman
    I'm not completely sure of the objective here. There are allegations that there was some inappropriate actions on the part of someone involved in CAP. But they are from a couple years ago.
    I believe the objective was to simply highlight malpractice. Whether or not that is the case, malpractice has been highlighted. Additionally, the gentleman in question appears to deny the incident, which gives it present relevance.

  8. #8
    igami is offline Public Member
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    Michael, with the exception of this possibly not being the most applicable forum to post the thread, I believe the past issue has an immediate relevance based on a recent occurrence. It was just this past week that a poster offered a player list for sale … “I’m selling off my 10 gigs of databases with the following information … “

    Instead of deleting that particular post, a moderator chose to move the post to an advertising section, leaving it completely intact with contact information. Several members expressed disgust and eventually another moderator edited out the contact information but chose to leave the post in place.

    Sometime later another member introduced the past issue into the current thread and another member resigned his CAP membership based on his knowledge of the past and current ethics violations. As it turned out, the owner of CAP denied that he had ever listed a player’s database for sale and accused anyone who said he did as being liars, cheaters, and haters. This severely complicated the issue.

    Consequently a number of individuals, who had recalled the previous thread, knew that the “current” proclamations of innocence were not true and apparently chose to take the cover-up* into consideration when passing judgment on the unacceptable behavior which has been occurring on the CAP forum.

    Unfortunately, this has become a necessary evil, if you will – to consider the relevance of, or lack thereof, ethics regarding both the past and present issues – and to draw attention to them as Caruso has stated; instead of seeing them swept under a rug.

    I agree with you, especially in today’s climate, that working together, in a cooperative fashion for the betterment of the industry should be a common goal. At the same time, I believe it would be irresponsible to ignore an issue based solely on that shared goal if the issue at hand contradicts ethical business practice. When that is the case it is should be our duty, as fair-minded individuals to make a distinction between right and wrong and openly stand up for that distinction.

    *All of the post (past and present) were deleted or moved to archive and several other members were banned for openly expressing their opinions on the matter.

  9. #9
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    eventually another moderator edited out the contact information but chose to leave the post in place.
    I take offense at this. I check CAP several times a day and deleted the contact information when first I saw that post. You make it sound like I don't do my job promptly.

    This and several items above take the credibility from what you write.

    You should stick with the facts, distortion of the truth never helps.

    That's all I am going to say about this, and that is too much. I apologize to Michael and the GPWA for their forum being used in this manner.
    Last edited by Dominique; 10 March 2007 at 9:19 pm.

  10. #10
    igami is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dominique View Post
    I take offense at this. I check CAP several times a day and deleted the contact information when first I saw that post. You make it sound like I don't do my job promptly.
    I make it sound?

    Please try to read what was written and not read into it. I never stated nor implied that you don't do your job. What I did do is merely state that eventually the content was edited. If you took that personally, I apologize that was (I thought) clearly not my intent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dominique View Post
    This and several items above take the credibility from what you write. You should stick with the facts, distortion of the truth never helps.
    I am sorry that you feel that way. Care to share with us exactly what items above lack credibility and to further let me personally know which facts and/or statements I have distorted?


    I wanted to comment on your apology to this community for having this subject raised here. I can understand why you might feel regret for the subject being raised here, but I have to admit, I find it odd that you would apologize for a thread which you didn't even start.

    It's my understanding that Michael is striving to create an organization which considers ethics an important aspect of "their" and "our" overall community. If that is not the case, and items of this nature are not welcomed for discussion, then I owe Michael and the community an apology myself as I too am guilty for "assisting" in getting this very important issue the additional coverage that it truly deserves.
    Last edited by igami; 10 March 2007 at 10:26 pm.

  11. #11
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    http://www.casinoaffiliateprograms.c...2063#post32063 was where Prof offered database for sale to all & sundry. Now removed.

    http://www.casinoaffiliateprograms.c...2064#post32063 was where Bluejay and you Dom, spoke about it.

    Excerpts edited to make a point ::
    Michael Bluejay said :: According to the Professor's post, he's offering to sell a casino's mailing list to anyone who wants to buy it.

    Dominique said :: Last thing I heard he had decided against selling it anyway.

    # You Dom, know full well what you saw, what was wrote, I know you remember. Dispute the relevance if you can, not the existance. You should have known full well though, if I got wind of it, i'd speak up. I won't stand for it, neither should you girl. Selling me out by throwing me to the lions is 1 thing, but what about selling yourself down the river.

    Yes you do owe an apology i'm afraid. To yourself first old friend, to yourself.

  12. #12
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    Hey My Good Friends,
    When the love of my life Jessica was killed in a car accident guess who flew up to be with me? Lou and Marie flew here to be with Patty, Melissa, and I. I have know Lou and I am best friends with him. Lou is a man that cares about everyone. I will defend him till the day that I die. As Jesus said he who is without sin cast the first stone. I am not without sin. Are you? It looks like to me some jelous people are trying to stir up trouble in these difficult times.

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    Hey Everyone,
    I am not trying to be awarded for postings.

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    Hey Everyone,
    Sometines we all think weare Gods!

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    Hey Everyone,
    Jesus Die for our sins!

  16. #16
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    Thumbs up Captain

    With respect Captain no one is trying to stir up trouble. I can clearly see the good things Lou has done over the years and continues to do.

  17. #17
    Caruso is offline Public Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainsFree Casinos
    I have know Lou and I am best friends with him. Lou is a man that cares about everyone. I will defend him till the day that I die.
    The point being what, in context?

    I think you are making silly posts in an attempt to ridicule the matter. Do you consider the sale of personal data a ridiculous issue? Do you consider like of, or friendship with, such a person, relevant in some way? How? Does disregard for the privacy of 100,000 players square with your "caring" remark?

  18. #18
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    Michael has said that he would prefer no censure and that he wants to allow free speech on the board. On the other hand we have, as an industry, had to grow and mature in an awful hurry to handle the hurdles thrown in our direction.

    So, this more mature industry now needs to build rather than destroy. I think it's clear that some people do NOT like CAP or Lou and some people LOVE CAP and Lou. The situation set out about the sale of a database is 2 years old. I am suggesting tolerance of differences is important to the industry...

    It IS time to move on and let this one fade away into the past.

    By all means, file it in the memory banks and if the seller of the database one day chastizes YOU for inappropriate behaviour then by all means offer the response "you can't judge me".

    So, it is time to forgive and forget. I trust you realise I do NOT condone the selling of phone numbers SS numbers, addresses, etc.... This is about simply moving on and NOT grasping at issues to keep a fight going.

    Drop it and move on.

    If someone does it again, then it's time to growl again.....
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  19. #19
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    Drop what and move on where Bigb?

    It never happened apparently. It's all a conspiracy. I'm jealous. I'm a patsy. A slanderer.

    While you say move on, databases are being moved on, maybe the same one(s), folk are being spammed, identity theft is rife sir.

  20. #20
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    It's not about whether it happened, based on those screenshots, it did. I certainly imagine that if he couldn't care a jot about what people think, then there wouldn't be a denial neither.

    So the guy is possibly not proud of the post and has hidden it. If that is the case, I very much doubt we will see a repeat of something like this.

    All I am saying is leave things be. Two years is a long time in this industry. Things change and people have to change as well. I don't know if you have ever sat in on one of these performance reviews that take place in the corporate world but the message from the sages is clear, by all means judge on recent conduct but do not judge on things in the distant past.

    Do a search for my profile at CAP and see my wonderful record of hardly any posts. I am not a disciple by any means but nor am I one to sit around when a two year old case is given air time.

    This is merely an observation for my part by the way but I call it like I see it:

    If someone takes a 2 year old thread and uses it, then I definitely see someone who wants revenge or a means to vent anger. I have not seen things happening at CAP recently (I may be wrong) that suggests Lou deserves this level of aggression so I again assume it's anger or revenge.

    I also don't see why the GPWA has to enjoy the privilege of hosting a private war between 2 parties.

    Now, that is not to say I condone the sale of database info. I also repeat, if Lou has stood in judgement of something someone said or did to him, then by all means stand up and tell him he himself doesn't have the moral high ground. Just don't turn each message board into a battle ground to achieve an end for vengence or anger.
    Have a wonderful day

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