View Poll Results: Do you think this hacker should be banner forever?

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  1. #161
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    Thumbs up

    Dearest friends.

    I am back and want to out my utmost gratitude to those who have taken my thread further than I thought it would ever get.

    Especially Roulette Zeitung.

    Man, I want to deeply apologize to you, for misunderstanding you I guess. Thank you so much for putting so much effort in. You truly have shown that you're cut out of the right wood. I hope you are able to forget my attitude I grew towards you. It was all based on a misunderstanding.

    Again, thank you for the work you've put in.

    To universal4: Thank you. I deeply respect you, and would like to apologize to you once more. I've apologized to you in a PM, but you must have not read it. Please consider the past the past. And, lets look at the future from now.

    To all others: Thank you all for making this thread what it is right now. I would like to apologize to all of you for showing my (negative) emotions I built up over time. I guess all of it took 'the better of me' and made me slide in to being angry etc. For somethinig that is SO destructive not only to our industry, but to ALL affiliates who are working ethically, I simply can't have patience..

    Especially, if it is a matter of 'click' and the criminal is banned type of thing. Because that IS how it can / should go.

    Besides all that, I hope you all realize just how much time and effort went in to this from my part. Voluntarily. Forgive me for expecting to find affiliate programs who would care, or, would take the simple step to RESPOND to me. It is beyond insulting and VERY annoying to find people not speaking to me at all, but willing to answer others. As IF I am attacking you... Dammit, I am protecting you and ALL those affiliates who stick their necks out to make you your money!!

    To me, it is clear that those programs still on his page, have no intention to let him go. And, when all is shady, and about making as much cash as one possible can, you can imagine how hard it will be for them TO LET HIM GO.

    They won't. Period. We will have to do it for them.

    I am very proud to see the unity that has become, and together I am sure we can and will conquer this.

    I have a few new leads I am following and investigating, leads that are VERY close to the hacker, if not the hacker himself.

    Silly, isn't it? The affiliate programs still being promoted on his page(s) know who he is. And, they are ACTIVELY protecting him.

    HOLD ON for a minute here: The programs that DID ban him. Why protect his privacy?? Hand over his details ASAP!! He SURE as hell does not care about anyone else's rights / properties etc. Come out with it. Who is he??? If you say you banned him, who DID you ban?

    Please: Provide proof and hand over his details. Stop saying that due to privacy we can't. YOU CAN!

    I'm not even sure if 'Steve' is the name we are after. It might be 'Eric' or, littlegirl... In this business: DTA. Or, Don't Trust Anyone.

    Not even affiliate managers coming in here, thinking his name might be steve from costa rica. Because it may as well be a sidetrack.

    I DO know that the hacker knows by now. And, he has shown that here in this forum / thread that he does know. Not once, but twice. Once personally, the other by means of having someone here post my PERSONAL details here. Good thing is, there is ONLY TWO affiliate program who know about me in relation to me reporting the hacker to them, possibly being a third, but I need to figure that one out as of yet.

    I was STUPID enough to think I could trust them. Once I reported him there (BEFORE I started this thread), I figured I made a mistake. And, it shows clearly that it was a mistake.

    That does make it a lot easier too. Day by day it is getting easier to see the target on which to aim our arrows.

    The hacker has made a few mistakes, for which he will pay..

    So, thank you for all that has been done to take this thread as far as that is has gone.

    I'm back. Glad and proud to be part of you all.

    Last edited by antihacker; 11 September 2014 at 10:01 pm.
    Thank you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    This thread is not about Stan James.

    I also would like to see an answer to that thread, but hijacking this thread will not help. Please let's try and keep this thread focused on the subject.
    I second that. Although This Stan the man thread might be just as important, please refrain from cluttering this thread up with that. With all due respect. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    downplaying the issue?

    Although I do feel it would have been nicer to see all programs a bit more responsive to the issue, sometimes issues will bring out the best in programs and sometimes it reveals possible flaws.
    Downplaying by now is more than an understatement.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    I am not sure attempting to get the hackers host involved will help or not, but it might not hurt to make them aware at least. The main problem there will be that unless the host has verifiable proof that the hacking activity itself is coming from their ip space I would think they would not really to be able to do anything about it.

    I do agree that the traffic sent for the click-throughs are using that ip space, (and thus a possible technical breach of contract) the site owner can hide behind the (I didn't do it and can't be held responsible for external things out of my control)
    I've tried many times. Phone, email the lot. So far no response. It might be a good idea to address the owner of the hosting company as Leopold suggested.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    I wonder what course of action would have the most impact? (besides the closing of affiliate accounts)
    Closing the accounts. Nothing else will work. Period.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Maybe we could submit a few hundred google spam reports? if 15 or 20 of us filed a weekly report, after a while the spam team might take the time to look close enough at the situation they could try and figure out a way to stop any future such actions by scumbag hackers being much less effective.
    No, Done that too. But so far no result. And even IF his domain gets booted from Google (still isn't, which is horrible btw) He will just use another domain, and another, and another. Follow the money, cut the money supply, done.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    It might just be our best shot at devaluing the pages being shown on the hacked sites (or the domain hosting them)??
    Our best shot is the affiliate programs. By now, I hoped they would have shown some balls. They care more about him, than about hundreds of us. How come?? That is a question we must answer.
    Thank you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    Great suggestion. Any time I come across something in the SERPS that I feel is garbage or doesn't belong, I "send feedback" (link at bottom that says "send feedback") to Google. It isn't difficult or time consuming and who knows if it really works, but I use that religiously when searching for anything (industry related or not).
    It has been suggested a few times. But I think it won't work.

    Thank you!

  6. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung View Post

    I don't really understand why no other statements will be done by official GPWA staff, because we are talking about organized crime! Your question is easy to answer, and I have stopped it with my watch: I takes 3 minutes and 4 seconds for me. No one need to contact someone. The evidence is right under the nose!

    First of all: Content from all start pages of, and are identical.

    But if this is not enough for you: No problem! The source code of all 3 sites is the evidence. Again: I takes less than 5 minutes to check it, and sometimes I really can understand e.g. thebookiesoffers anger.

    Here is the evidence, that -what I have written is right: All three domains are the same criminal orgin!

    this.href='';"><img src='/images/cosmik_new_468x60.gif' border='0' alt='' /></a>

    this.href='';"><img src='/images/cosmik_new_468x60.gif' border='0' alt='' /></a>

    this.href='';"><img src='/images/cosmik_new_468x60.gif' border='0' alt='' /></a>
    Any question?

    It's not a theory. As everyone can see with the source code snippets and the identical affiliate links: It's a fact, and it doesn't matter if this criminal individual act alone or in a group.

    My both posts, I have written yesterday and on Tuesday in this thread show exactly, that is root of evil and the "Poland-Scenario" is a very good change to stop this crime.

    Perhaps -as official GPWA staff- it's time to say something about the AffPower case ( The criminal link is still online!


    Instead of wasting my time with this post only to explain what can be explained by every person himself within 5 minutes, it would be better to find more facts and more ways to help, but my time limit for this case is reached for today ... wasted.


    Indeed. Perhaps we need to buy a platinum membership? It is very quiet. I know everybody is busy making money, but what if I told you that I am making a lot less right now BECAUSE of it all? I can only work at one thing at a time. So far, for weeks, it has been trying to expose this criminal. The longer it takes, the more certain I am my business will suffer greatly. Why wait.

    Do you now see where my frustrations were coming from? I've spent a hell of a lot more time on this, this is why.

    Please, GPWA: tell us you care. Actually, that is not enough. I am sure 'casinocity' is a big enough affiliate, and, GPWA is on its own big enough too to make a difference. How many affiliates did you bring to those affiliate programs? They are bound to listen to you.

    Important question to the GPWA CEO Michael: What actions have been taken so far from GPWA out? Please specify.

    It is important you DO something rather than just saying you care!!!
    Last edited by antihacker; 11 September 2014 at 11:26 pm.
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  7. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    According to Fernanda, she claims there's nothing criminal about the traffic coming from that particular affiliate. Leopold's post clearly shows different to Fernanda's story.
    Without a doubt. But, they are not the only one. Although I've been told that affactive has banned him, I don't think so.
    Gwages, ... I've reported him there too. So far, not one pixel as response from both of them.

    I think, the time is coming to take more serious actions to those organizations that keep him not only protected, but keep him promoting their brands. How DARE they screw us all over like this??

    GPWA - anyone?
    Thank you!

  8. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    The post is located right here.
    Ah yes... I remember... How could I not.

    Is there any other thread opened under the name of the affiliate programs being promoted by this affiliate? I find fair either opening a thread for each affiliate program or turning this one into a general thread in which case, its' title needs to be changed.
    Perhaps someone can ask them to come up with their 'http' requests and have them looked at? Again, Affpower is NOT the only program who is being so damn shady about this whole thing..
    Thank you!

  9. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung View Post
    That’s the last straw!

    Dear GPWA staff,

    you can give me a penalization for this post if you want. I will endure my fate with dignity, because I am a part of rise of the decent as many other GPWA members, and I am crystal clear about my opinion, that the (anonymous) GPWA member, who have given in the last 24 hours the 2nd "NO" vote to the poll question "Do you think this hacker should be banner forever?" , has lost his marbles and enduring power of attorney authorizing one or more people to manage his affairs in the event of losing mental capacity would be the best for all parties concerned.

    Wake up!

    We are talking about serious crime and not about a funny happening in a fairground boxing booth.

    If I am wrong and insulted unlawful a honest GPWA member, who expressed us with his vote the real sense of law and justice, then please give me the name of the member, because it's impossible to insult a "ghost".

    Thank you for your attention.

    It would be too good to be true if the hacker would actually vote no. He'd be caught in an instant. And, I believe the hacker won't make mistakes like that. I think, it is more a troll action going on.

    @Anthony, could you be so kind to view 'who has voted no'?

    The person who published my personal details in this thread (removed by universal4, for which my thanks) is more a person of interest. Or, the person who stated that he wanted to know about the law in Portugal (where I am) - is FOR SURE someone who knows how things are on the other side of things.

    I wish I'd NEVER Put up the poll Leopold.. It is a sad reflection of how I thought people would react on it. several thousands of views on this thread, yet how many votes? People either don't care, or are too afraid to show they care. Or, they can't be bothered, thinking it won't hurt / affect them as much as that it does.

    To those I would like to say: Why is it you think that the aff programs are protecting this hacker? Because he is running to the bank with YOUR commissions. The rogue programs don't give a hoot whether you, or the hacker brings in the cash. As long as they GET the cash. And, frankly, that attitude needs to change pronto. Or, they SHOULD be approached by law enforcement.

    We for one, should rogue the blue fungi peanutbutter out of them.

    Anyone agreeing they had time enough??
    Thank you!

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    Go to Google, do a ?p=online-casinos search, and use the search tools. Set the time frame and you will see that 5 hours ago, 6 hours ago, 10 hours ago, etc, etc, more sites are being hacked as we speak.

    It has got to stop.
    Thank you!

  12. #169
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    Might it help to 'sticky' this thread perhaps?
    Thank you for considering it.
    Thank you!

  13. #170
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    For what it is worth it, I just posted a note to - about this thread and the hacker. Hopefully a bit of attention from his part might help us a bit.
    Thank you!

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    The issue and the culprit are starting to get a bit of real attention. Here's a blog post about the hack.

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    Roulette Zeitung (12 September 2014)

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    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker
    wish I'd NEVER Put up the poll Leopold.. It is a sad reflection of how I thought people would react on it. several thousands of views on this thread, yet how many votes? People either don't care, or are too afraid to show they care. Or, they can't be bothered, thinking it won't hurt / affect them as much as that it does.
    Well antihacker,

    that is the sad truth about internet forums. Most members do not do a hand's turn. Scroll through this thread, and it takes less then 5 minutes to see who have really invested time constructively in research or something like that, was a real help, except us.

    I see Shay, dfiocch, gameman, thepogg, Sherlock, and this is it.

    GPWA has 19,593 members, and added-up round 11.000 visitors have read both threads (This one and Fernanda's one) here in the "evil area".

    Then you have received statements like "I appreciate the effort, but if you want to be really effective, you need to contact google".

    Really? Oh fantastic! Actions speak louder than words. Do it yourself!


    sometimes I believe, it would be better to abandon the industry to its fate, because rescue must to be earned.


  18. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker View Post
    I wish I'd NEVER Put up the poll Leopold.. It is a sad reflection of how I thought people would react on it. several thousands of views on this thread, yet how many votes? People either don't care, or are too afraid to show they care. Or, they can't be bothered, thinking it won't hurt / affect them as much as that it does.
    Don't get too disappointed ... I think that you are vastly overestimating the number of different actual people that 9,000 views means.

    First we need to throw out the bots that trawl through the open forums, (say) 5 per day that read each page again and again ... so 10 x (17+1)/2 x 8 days = 720 pages of machines.

    If we also assume that people like yourself and Leopold read each update avidly ... then a REALLY active participant may have read over 100 pages of this thread. Let's say that there are 5 such people.

    And maybe 100 guests / low participant readers who just read 1-2 pages and couldn't be bothered.

    Then we factor in 170 post into 17 different pages then we get 17 reads per visitor. Allow for the fact that the thread has been running a week, and is getting bumped frequently onto the new posts, and you can probably add in 8-10 more reads per active viewer. Then leaving a THANKS, VOTING or adding in a POST usually bumps a read counter too, and we can confidently say that each active reader might have caused 30 reads so far.

    So we have 5 active participants, 100 guests, 5 bots and ...
    9000 - 720 - 500 -200 = 7630 / 30 = 254 other GPWA active readers.

    You have 22 votes from maybe around 260 REAL readers - that's actually pretty good forum participation where 95-99% of people just browse.

    Just a maths exercise and you can change the numbers of course ... but look at some other threads and their high view counts ... some of them are absolute dribble but have been around for a while so are also 10,000+ views. That does NOT mean 10,000 people read them. It's a small fraction.


    As to whether people should care more, perhaps. But hacking goes on all the time. And most of it goes over my head. This hack appears to be leeching on a wordPress vulnerability ... nothing stunning there ... the only thing that makes it unusual is the scale of the number of pages.

    Whether it's hitting affiliates in the wallet? Maybe Not? I'm struggling to understand the validity of searching for an exact match of 'p=online-casinos' and shouting about the real world impact of that. None of these hacks appear in any normal search do they? Certainly not in "online casinos" or "online-casinos" so exactly what traffic is it catching?

    Just putting the "lurkers" viewpoint ... and why you may not be getting as many posts, poll responses as you think you should.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGooner View Post
    As to whether people should care more, perhaps. But hacking goes on all the time. And most of it goes over my head. This hack appears to be leeching on a wordPress vulnerability ... nothing stunning there ... the only thing that makes it unusual is the scale of the number of pages.

    Whether it's hitting affiliates in the wallet? Maybe Not? I'm struggling to understand the validity of searching for an exact match of 'p=online-casinos' and shouting about the real world impact of that. None of these hacks appear in any normal search do they? Certainly not in "online casinos" or "online-casinos" so exactly what traffic is it catching?

    Just putting the "lurkers" viewpoint ... and why you may not be getting as many posts, poll responses as you think you should.
    Occasionally, I've seen one or more "hacked" pages in some of the "vanity terms" and "one-off vanity terms". As I stated earlier, I "submit feedback" to Google pointing out the pages. I also recall threads that pop up intermittently citing crap/hacked pages showing in the SERPS for whatever term they're monitoring (I also look to verify and then "submit feedback" if appropriate).

    Whether the "submit feedback" works or not - who knows... but it makes me feel better and typically, the oddball result disappears within 1-2 days tops (usually).

  21. #175
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    The polls are most often done in an anonymous fashion predominantly so that members can vote and not have to subject to ridicule and insults. The GPWA is not about insulting anyone who has different opinions. (although some think that is ok) To now expose anyone's name or how they voted would be a violation of their privacy.

    I am not so sure I would feel comfortable about any casino program that hands over the PRIVATE details of the hacker.

    Although I do agree what they are doing is wrong, and the evidence I have seen so far shows a clear pattern to back up the criminal behavior claim, where do we draw the line? At what point is it ok for the programs to just reveal our details? How about they reveal YOUR details?

    Some may say, but this is criminal activity.

    Well if there were a criminal conviction, or a court order to produce the information, then it would become public record.

    But I think it is a dangerous trend for us to demand private information to be released, because a single groups "says" it is criminal activity.

    By doing so, that opens the the door to a whole lot of "what ifs".

    What if next week a bunch of people at another forum demand YOUR information be released because they claim you are involved in criminal activity? They might also have a whole bunch of links, posts, screen shots or other information they say is evidential proof of the criminal behavior, but they do not have a court order.

    Should YOUR private information be released anyway?


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    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    The polls are most often done in an anonymous fashion predominantly so that members can vote and not have to subject to ridicule and insults. The GPWA is not about insulting anyone who has different opinions. (although some think that is ok) To now expose anyone's name or how they voted would be a violation of their privacy.
    I opted this poll to be public for me, as creator, and was notified I would be able to see who voted and how. It never worked like that though. It's ok, I see what you mean and understand it. I do think it is more of a troll thing, and if not, they are entitled to say no. I seriously do not think mister well protected SIR the hacker his royal highness would come along away from his pina colada to vote no. It isn't him.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    I am not so sure I would feel comfortable about any casino program that hands over the PRIVATE details of the hacker.
    That is ok. You can feel uncomfortable about it. I feel beyond horrible knowing he gets protected the way he is. On top of that: I can tell you how I felt when my details were exposed here, the post of which you placed ASAP in the moderation (for which I am grateful for) for no one to see. So, in all fairness: some people do not care. I think, we should also care a bit less. HE chose to take this path, and I chose to expose him. He is protected, I am not. THAT is uncomfortable..

    We do not need to break the rules as the hacker is doing, we might need to bend them a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Although I do agree what they are doing is wrong, and the evidence I have seen so far shows a clear pattern to back up the criminal behavior claim, where do we draw the line? At what point is it ok for the programs to just reveal our details? How about they reveal YOUR details?
    Glad, the only person who does not see he is doing wrong is himself. Where do we draw the line? We've GOT no line to draw. Not me, not you, not anyone BUT his royal highness the protected hacker.

    The line has been drawn for us. And, there is nothing we can do. Hackers are protected. And that sux. We are not. And because he's protected, he can keep going on robbing us all. Again, I felt pretty screwed when MY details were exposed. So, to answer you, as an ethical hard working affiliate, who DESERVES privacy but did not get it ONE SINGLE BIT:

    It feels crap. I however DID NOT choose to hack. I chose to expose him.

    Hacker 1 - ME 0

    How fair is that? Uncomfortably unfair I can say.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Some may say, but this is criminal activity.
    Some are saying, I've had enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    Well if there were a criminal conviction, or a court order to produce the information, then it would become public record.

    But I think it is a dangerous trend for us to demand private information to be released, because a single groups "says" it is criminal activity.
    You are right. However, if I may refer again to the fact that my details WERE exposed here (Even-though you've unpublished them, they were still published here out in the open by no other than the hacker himself, or an accomplish...) HOW ELSE could he know my details?? They were given to him by an affiliate program.

    May I ask: Where was MY privacy??? Gone through the drain.. Smoked by Bob.

    And, a 'single group'? You are part of that too. I don't get it. We all see what is going on. But, let's just wait until ... Well, until this whole thing dies, and all of us have waited so long, but nothing ever happened. Glad we protect the privacy of him. Something to be proud of. And we should. Let's never get to the details of who he is. We must and shall protect his privacy and dignity.

    SO FAR: NOT ONE affiliate program has given actual proof that he has been banned. Not one. Not one has taken the time to respond here. Not a single program. Fine, some banners have been removed. Who tells me that he is not promoting those programs on other sites we don't know of?

    Let me tell you this, the MOMENT I find out if he is who I think he is, I'll plaster it all over the net, including this forum. Will I be banned? So be it.

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    By doing so, that opens the the door to a whole lot of "what ifs".
    Exactly. What if... I told you that my whole dedicated server has been confiscated and all sites have been deleted? What if I told you that it wasn't me who deleted them? What if I told you that now I DONT HAVE an income anymore?? What IF??

    Quote Originally Posted by universal4 View Post
    What if next week a bunch of people at another forum demand YOUR information be released because they claim you are involved in criminal activity? They might also have a whole bunch of links, posts, screen shots or other information they say is evidential proof of the criminal behavior, but they do not have a court order.

    Should YOUR private information be released anyway?

    I REALLY do not understand your reasoning here. Think we are wrong saying this person IS doing this? Or, is he doing PPC. Alright.

    Me, myself, I would NEVER be in that position where someone would have the suspicion of me being a hacker, and any other affiliate here neither.. (BESIDES now, after exposing the overly protected hacker... And, if the proof is as clear as it is, then yes: Release it. Not in the open perhaps, but, to someone who has authority. So far, I've seen no one WITH authority, and I am beginning to think NO ONE HAS authority (here).

    If I was a hacker, then that IS the risk I'm taking. However, he has NO risk. He is well protected. Glad he is. We could not make him feel sad now, could we? Let's protect his fragile soul and good heart. In fact, we should open up a foundation for him, so that we can support him. He will be needy by now.

    Same as pedophiles: Touch a child, you risk losing all. Including your damn privacy. People like that should NOT be protected. Hackers shouldn't either. So far, he is the one receiving the royal treatment, and cashing in.

    It's beginning to look like we are WASTING our time.. It's nothing personal. It's just how it is.. Isn't it?

    Not only looking like it, it starts to feel like it.

    Privacy does not belong to folks like this. Simple. He is the one laughing all the way to the bank. Because we are law abiding citizens, and, frankly this person is NOT. But, he IS protected.

    Again... This whole thing makes me wonder just why...

    I understand what you are saying, but, would understand it A LOT better if this was the second post in the thread, not knowing what was going on to the extend that we now do know.



    PS: Clearly, crime DOES pay in the casino industry. Nice one..
    Thank you!

  24. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    Occasionally, I've seen one or more "hacked" pages in some of the "vanity terms" and "one-off vanity terms". As I stated earlier, I "submit feedback" to Google pointing out the pages. I also recall threads that pop up intermittently citing crap/hacked pages showing in the SERPS for whatever term they're monitoring (I also look to verify and then "submit feedback" if appropriate).

    Whether the "submit feedback" works or not - who knows... but it makes me feel better and typically, the oddball result disappears within 1-2 days tops (usually).
    Hi Shay,

    I know it feels good to do it. However, it does not work. Let's test: Would you mind doing this with the full domain and see if it works? Perhaps it will take a few days, since my multiple reports may be in your way... It simply does not do a thing..

    It is not google we should aim at. It is the aff programs and nothing else. Or, I should get in contact - seek contact with professional Russian hackers and pay them to skin him from his privacy and destroy him.

    Oh, that might be against the law. We better not.

    Do you see? There is not one single affiliate program that followed up. Not one. And, it will have to come from them...

    This is getting more sad by the minute..
    Thank you!

  25. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGooner View Post
    Don't get too disappointed ...
    Hi TheGooner,

    If it was simply being disappointed about the all saying poll, then I could live with it. It is not what I am disappointed about though.

    The fact that this whole hacking thing continues as it does, like a cancer spreading over more and more sites as we speak (!!) THAT is disappointing me and truly hurts to see.

    I'm sure you get what I am saying. It is not the poll.
    Thank you!

  26. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung View Post
    Well antihacker,

    that is the sad truth about internet forums. Most members do not do a hand's turn. Scroll through this thread, and it takes less then 5 minutes to see who have really invested time constructively in research or something like that, was a real help, except us.

    I see Shay, dfiocch, gameman, thepogg, Sherlock, and this is it.

    GPWA has 19,593 members, and added-up round 11.000 visitors have read both threads (This one and Fernanda's one) here in the "evil area".

    Then you have received statements like "I appreciate the effort, but if you want to be really effective, you need to contact google".

    Really? Oh fantastic! Actions speak louder than words. Do it yourself!


    sometimes I believe, it would be better to abandon the industry to its fate, because rescue must to be earned.

    Hi Leopold. You are right. May I refer to your answer to my question to log in to affiliate guard dog to notify the people there of this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by antihacker
    Originally Posted by antihacker

    I am not a member on this forum. Can anyone here, who is a member perhaps go over and notify them of this thread? Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roulette Zeitung
    Registration at Affiliate Guard Dog takes 5 minutes!

    I know things might be different a bit now, so please don't take offense, but yes, I do see what you mean... Nothing new here.
    Thank you!

  27. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Shay- View Post
    The issue and the culprit are starting to get a bit of real attention. Here's a blog post about the hack.
    I've replied to that post. Thank you for pointing it out. However, I hope the person is not just taking credit of what he has seen here. I might be wrong. Anyone else care to post there too? It might give it some more weight.

    May I add to this: People are looking at ALL OF US casino affiliates as being the culprit, where it is not us, but the well protected SIR hacker.

    Here is where it starts. Here is where the casino affiliate industry is being mocked and seen as one big bad black blob of badness. I can see it happening. Same as on the Google forum. The moment you tell that you are a casino affiliate, you're doomed.
    Thank you!

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